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The journey to becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) is challenging yet rewarding. 最后的障碍之一是如何通过NCLEX-RN考试.

这次考试是你护理生涯中至关重要的一步. It tests your knowledge, skills, and readiness to enter the nursing field.


How do you navigate the vast sea of study materials and strategies?

In this article, we’ll provide you with practical tips for NCLEX-RN preparation. We’ll guide you through understanding the exam, creating a study plan, and managing your study time. 最后是如何第一次通过NCLEX-RN考试!

We’ll also share insights on self-care during your preparation and what to expect on the exam day. 无论你是护理专业的学生还是毕业生, this guide will help you approach the NCLEX-RN exam with confidence.

如果你是毕业于 护理应用科学副学士 or 护理学学士学位 这将有助于通过NCLEX-RN考试.


The first step in your NCLEX-RN preparation is understanding the exam itself. NCLEX-RN,或者 全国注册护士执照考试是一项计算机适应性测试. It adjusts the difficulty of questions based on your previous answers.

The exam covers various topics, from health promotion and maintenance to physiological integrity. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the National Council of State Boards of 护理 (NCSBN) test plan. This plan outlines the content areas and the percentage of questions you can expect from each area. Understanding the format and content of the exam will help you tailor your study plan effectively.

Creating a Study Plan is the first step in 如何通过NCLEX-RN考试

一个结构良好的学习计划是NCLEX-RN准备的关键. 它应该适合你的学习方式和时间表. Allocate specific time for studying to build a routine and stick to it.

关注在实践测试中发现的薄弱环节. Break down complex concepts into simpler parts and apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. Avoid cramming; instead, study consistently over time.


  • 复习护理学校的课程和材料.
  • 使用有信誉的学习指南和资源.
  • 充分利用NCLEX-RN预备课程.
  • 用NCLEX-RN仿真软件进行练习.
  • 加入学习小组或找一个学习伙伴.
  • 利用抽认卡来记忆关键概念.
  • 学习考试策略来消除错误答案.
  • 随时了解最新的护理实践和指南.
  • 设定现实的目标,庆祝小的成就.
  • 根据学习进度调整学习计划.


The right study materials can make a significant difference in your NCLEX-RN preparation. 使用有信誉的学习指南和资源 that cover the breadth and depth of the exam content.

在线 resources, textbooks, and NCLEX-RN预备课程 can provide comprehensive content reviews. Practice tests and simulation software can help familiarize you with the exam format and question types.


  • NCLEX-RN预备课程
  • 有信誉的学习指南
  • 护理学校教材
  • 网上资源和论坛
  • NCLEX-RN仿真软件
  • 学习关键概念的抽认卡
  • 助记器和其他记忆辅助工具
  • 练习测试和题库
  • 学习小组或学习伙伴
  • 教师或导师提供额外的帮助


实践测试是NCLEX-RN准备的关键部分. They help you understand the exam format, identify areas of weakness, and build test-taking stamina.

仿真软件可以模拟真实的考试环境, helping you get comfortable with the computerized adaptive testing format of the NCLEX-RN.

Here are some tips for using practice tests and simulation software:

  • 参加长时间的练习考试来增强耐力.
  • 复习所有练习题的基本原理,无论对错.
  • 关注在实践测试中发现的薄弱环节.
  • 熟悉自适应测试策略.
  • Prepare for potential computer issues or technical difficulties during the exam.


Mastering test-taking strategies can significantly improve your chances of passing the NCLEX-RN. These strategies can help you approach questions logically and eliminate incorrect answers.

Here are some effective test-taking strategies for the NCLEX-RN:

  • 学会排除不正确的答案.
  • 仔细阅读每个问题,不要急于回答.
  • 选择题采用淘汰法.
  • Trust your first instinct unless you have a strong reason to change an answer.
  • 考试时要注意时间安排.
  • 运用批判性思维技能解决复杂问题.


Effective time management is crucial for successful NCLEX-RN preparation. It’s important to allocate specific times for studying to build a routine and avoid cramming.


  • 根据自己的学习方式制定一个学习计划.
  • 为学习分配特定的时间,养成习惯.
  • 根据学习进度调整学习计划.
  • Avoid cramming; instead, study consistently over time.
  • Consider the best time of day for your test-taking peak performance.
  • Keep a study journal to track your progress and reflect on your learning.


准备NCLEX-RN考试可能会有压力. It’s essential to prioritize self-care to avoid burnout during preparation and maintain your physical and mental health.


  • 优先考虑自我照顾,以避免在准备过程中精疲力竭.
  • 考试前要充分休息.
  • Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain energy levels.
  • Manage stress through relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
  • 对自己的能力保持积极和自信.
  • Use relaxation techniques right before the exam to calm your nerves.


考试前一天和考试当天是至关重要的. It’s important to be well-prepared and know what to expect to minimize stress and maximize your performance.

Here are some tips for the day before and the day of the exam:

  • Know what to expect on the day of the exam, including what to bring and what not to bring.
  • Arrive early on the day of the exam to avoid any last-minute stress.
  • 考试时穿得舒适些,尽量减少干扰.
  • 考试时要注意时间安排.
  • 仔细阅读每个问题,不要急于回答.
  • Trust your first instinct unless you have a strong reason to change an answer.
  • Prepare for potential computer issues or technical difficulties during the exam.


Once you’ve completed the NCLEX-RN exam, it’s time to relax and wait for your results. It’s normal to feel anxious during this period, but remember that you’ve done your best.


  • 审核收到您的测试结果的程序.
  • Understand the reapplication process in case you need to retake the exam.
  • Reflect on your journey through nursing school as a source of encouragement.
  • 考试结束后,在等待结果的同时,汇报和放松.
  • Stay motivated and remind yourself of your goals and reasons for becoming an RN.


Passing the NCLEX-RN exam is a significant milestone in your journey to becoming a Registered Nurse. It requires diligent preparation, effective study strategies, and a positive mindset. 还记得, 这次考试不仅仅是为了死记硬背, but about demonstrating your ability to apply nursing knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Stay focused, stay motivated, and remember why you chose this path. 有了正确的准备和心态, you can pass the NCLEX-RN exam and start your rewarding career in nursing. 祝你好运!